Friday, 22 January 2010

22 January 2010

When I want to write the title of the blog,
I forgot what's today date.
I thought it was 21,
Luckily my friend told me that it is 22.

today is a busy day.
I woke up and settle Lcorner stuff.

I washed my clothes.
When I was writing up to here,
I stopped and went out.

Guess why.

I forgot I washed clothes this morning,
I forgot to keep it.

So, I went to keep my clothes.
Thanks to blog.
After washing my clothes,
I rushed for my bath.

Very rush.

After bathing,
my watch was showing it's 2 minutes to go to reach 9a.m.
I faster rushed to my friend room.
We have group discussion for our assignment.

I didn't brush my tooth today. (dirty?)
I didn't take my breakfast too.

The discussion ended at 3.

After I got back,
I busy on Lcorner again.

What a busy day.
How long am I able to stand?
I still have my assignment waiting me to settle.

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