Sunday, 23 June 2013

Final Week For Google Reader

Are you use of Google Reader?

If you do, you should beware of this.

Google Reader is closed starting from 1 July 2013. 

So this is the final week for Google Reader.

I felt sad when I knew this few months ago. I was wishing Google would change their mind. But it doesn't happen. 

I am an active user of Google Reader. It helps me to follow people. I can view all the posts for all the blogs I follow through Google Reader. I don't need to go the blogs one by one to check for the updates.

It makes things easier right? 

I view all in Google Reader. When I want to comment on something, I just need to click it, and it will link me to the blog.

As it come to the end, I have no choice, I need to add all the blogs I am followings into 'bookmark', and visit the blogs one by one starting from July.