In this competitive age, humans are trying to know others in order to be better than others. We try to define what’s others’ weaknesses and attack on their weakness. But, many people forget about something, they forget to value one important people, ourselves.
It’s important to know thyself. We should define our strengths and weaknesses. There are 4 types of people:
- People who know their strengths and weaknesses.
- People who know their strengths but don’t know their weaknesses.
- People who don’t know their strengths but know weaknesses.
- People who don’t know their strengths and weaknesses.
Of course, the person who has the higher possibility to succeed is the first type and the forth type person will has the lower possibility
It’s important to know what our strengths are so that we are able to fully utilize our strength. If someone who is talented in chemical work as engineer, is that sound his talent has been wasted?
Knowing our own strength isn’t enough. We are necessary to know our weaknesses too. If possible, we should overcome our weaknesses. But, we are humans; no-one is able to be a perfect human. It’s impossible to be a human which has no weakness. Some of our weaknesses are unable to overcome, but we are also need to know it so that we won’t let the weakness to make us in trouble.
Strength can be described as a striker in a football team; it helps us to make attack, to defeat others. Weakness is the defender; it helps to defend the attack made by the opponent. Knowing both strength and weakness is very important. A team without striker won’t win the match and a team without defender will scored a lot by opponent.
So, have you defined your strikers and defenders?